Top Publications
Fallman, D. (2003) Design-oriented Human-Computer Interaction, Proceedings of CHI2003, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI Letters, Vol. 5, Issue No. 1 (Fort Lauderdale, Florida, April 5-10), New York, NY: ACM Press, pp. 225--232. [Abstract / Cited by 566]
Fallman, D. (2011) The New Good: Exploring the Potential of Philosophy of Technology to Contribute to Human-Computer Interaction, Proceedings of CHI 2011, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press. [Abstract / Cited by 110]
Fallman, D. & Stolterman, E. (2010) Establishing Criteria of Rigor and Relevance in Interaction Design Research, Proceedings of Create 10: The Interaction Design Conference, June-July, Napier University: Edinburgh, UK. [Abstract / Cited by 42]
Fallman, D. (2008) The Interaction Design Research Triangle of Design Practice, Design Exploration, and Design Studies, Design Issues, Vol. 24, No. 3, p. 4-18, MIT Press. [Link / Cited by 283]
Fallman, D. (2007) Why Research-oriented Design Isn't Design-oriented Research: On the Tensions between Design and Research in an Implicit Design Discipline, Journal on Knowledge, Technology and Policy, Special Issue on Design Research, Vol. 20, No. 3, Springer Netherlands. [Abstract / Cited by 162]
Fallman, D. (2003) In Romance with the Materials of Mobile Interaction: A Phenomenological Approach to the Design of Mobile Information Technology, Doctoral Thesis, ISSN 1401-4572, RR.03-04, ISBN 91-7305-578-6, Umea University, Sweden: Larsson & Co:s Tryckeri. [Abstract / Cited by 120]
Peer Reviewed Academic Papers in International Journals & Conferences (by year)
Trotto, A. & Fallman, D. (2013) Shaping the Absence: An Architectural Perspective for Interaction Design, In the Proceedings of IASDR 2013, The 5th World Conference on Design Research, August 26-30, Tokyo, Japan.
Zarin, R., True, N., Papworth, N., Lindberg, K., Fallman, D. (2013) Be Green: Implementing an Interactive, Cylindrical Display in the Real World, In the Proceedings of PerDis '13, Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, ACM Press, p. 55-60: 4-5 June, Mountain View, California.
True, N., Papworth, N., Zarin, R., Peeters, J., Nilbrink, F., Lindbergh, K., Fallman, D., Lind, A. (2013) The Voice Harvester: An Interactive Installation, CHI 2013, Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Pages 3003-3006, ACM Press: New York, NY.
True, N., Peeters, J., and Fallman, D. (2013) Confabulation in the Time of Transdisciplinarity: Reflection on HCI Education and a Call for Conversation, In the Proceedings of HCI International 2013: the 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Vol. 1, p. 128-136), Springer: 21-26 July, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Zarin, R., Lindbergh, K., & Fallman, D. (2012) Using Stop Motion Animation to Sketch in Architecture: A Practical Approach, Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, Volume 7, Number 3. October 2012.
Zarin, R., Lindbergh, K., & Fallman, D. (2012) Stop Motion Animation as a Tool for Sketching in Architecture, In the Proceedings of DRS 2012, The 2012 Design Research Society International Conference, (July 1-4, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand).
Fallman, D. & Yttergren, B. (2012) Using Virtual Shadows to Represent User Proximity in Mobile Information Technology Environments, In the proceedings of HOTMOBILE 2012, The Thirteenth Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, Poster paper, (Feb 28-29, San Diego, CA).
Zarin, R. & Fallman, D. (2011) The Woodbot Pilots: Exploring No-hands Interaction for Interactive Public Installations, In the proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Design Research, IASDR 2011 (Oct 31-Nov 4, Delft, Netherlands).
Fallman, D. (2011) The New Good: Exploring the Potential of Philosophy of Technology to Contribute to Human-Computer Interaction, Proceedings of CHI 2011, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press.
Zarin, R. & Fallman, D. (2011) Through the Troll Forest: Exploring Tabletop Interaction Design for Children with Special Cognitive Needs, Proceedings of CHI 2011, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Extended Abstracts, ACM Press.
Fallman, D. & Moussette, C. (2011) Sketching with Stop Motion Animation, ACM interactions, Volume XVIII.2, March + April (pp. 57-61), New York, NY: ACM Press.
Fallman, D. & Stolterman, E. (2010) Establishing Criteria of Rigor and Relevance in Interaction Design Research, Digital Creativity, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 265-272, Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
Fallman, D. & Waterworth, J. A. (2010) Capturing User Experiences of Mobile Information Technology with the Repertory Grid Technique, Human Technology: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Humans in ICT Environments, Vol. 6, No. 2, November 2010 (pp. 250-268), Univ. of Jyväskylä, Finland: Agora Center.
Zarin, R. & Fallman, D. (2010) Ambient Interactive Architecture: Enriching Urban Spaces with Low-cost, Lightweight Interactive Lighting, Proceedings of Colour & Light in Architecture, International Conference, November 11-12, Venice, Italy, p. 296-301.
Fallman, D. (2010) Desktop Computing as Paradigm: Hidden Assumptions that Suppress Mobile Information Technology, International Journal of Computing & Information Technology (IJCIT), Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 33-50, New Delhi, India: Serials Publication. {ISSN: 0974-696X}
Fallman, D. & Stolterman, E. (2010) Establishing Criteria of Rigor and Relevance in Interaction Design Research, Proceedings of Create 10: The Interaction Design Conference, June-July, Napier University: Edinburgh, UK.
Fallman, D. (2010) Towards New Goods: Philosophy of Technology Meets Human-Computer Interaction, Proceedings of The 35th Annual Meeting of The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), August, Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo: Japan.
Fallman, D. (2010) Mobility as Involvement: On the Role of Involvement in the Design of Mobile Support Systems for Industrial Application, AI & Society, Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication, Volume 25, Issue 1, p.43-52, London, UK: Springer.
Fallman, D. (2010) A Different Way of Seeing: Albert Borgmann's Philosophy of Technology and Human-Computer Interaction, AI & Society, Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication, Volume 25, Issue 1, p.53-60, London, UK: Springer.
Moussette, C. & Fallman, D. (2009) Designing for Touch: Creating and Building Meaningful Haptic Interfaces, Proceedings of IASDR 2009, International Association of Societies of Design Research, Oct. 18-22, Seoul, Korea.
Bogren, L., Fallman, D. & Henje, C. (2009) Attract, Inform, and Interact: Working with Product Semantics in an Inclusive Design Project, Proceedings of IASDR 2009, International Association of Societies of Design Research, Oct. 18-22, Seoul, Korea.
Bogren, L., Fallman, D., Henje, C. (2009) User-centered Inclusive Design: Making Public Transport Accessible, Proceedings of Include 2009, International Conference on Inclusive Design, Royal College of Art, London, UK, 5-8 April.
Fallman, D. (2008) The Interaction Design Research Triangle of Design Practice, Design Exploration, and Design Studies, Design Issues, Vol. 24, No. 3, p. 4-18, MIT Press.
Fallman, D. (2007) Supporting Studio Culture in Design Research, Proceedings of IASDR 2007, International Association of Societies of Design Research, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design, Nov 12-15.
Fallman, D. (2007) Why Research-oriented Design Isn't Design-oriented Research: On the Tensions between Design and Research in an Implicit Design Discipline, Journal on Knowledge, Technology and Policy, Special Issue on Design Research, Vol. 20, No. 3, Springer Netherlands.
Fallman, D., Fjellstrom, O., Bogren, L., Lindbergh, K., Nilbrink, F. (2007) An RFID-based Point and Listen Interface Providing Library Access for the Visually Impaired, Proceedings of HCI International, 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Beijing, China, July 22-27.
Fallman, D. & Yttergren, B. (2007) The Design of a Computer Mouse Providing Three Degrees of Freedom, Proceedings of HCI International, 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Beijing, China, July 22-27.
Fallman, D. & Lindbergh, K. (2007) Inclusive Design by Taking Special Measures - Making Libraries Accessible for All, Proceedings of Include 2007, International Conference on Inclusive Design, Royal College of Art, London, UK, 2-4 April 2007.
Fallman, D. (2007) Persuade Into What? Why Human-Computer Interaction Needs a Philosophy of Technology, Persuasive 2007, Second International Conference on Persuasive Technology (April 26-27, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA): Springer.
Waterworth, J. A. & Fallman, D. (2007) Capturing Users' Experiences of Interactive Mobile Technology, Proceedings of British Psychological Society Annual Conference, York, UK, March.
Fallman, D. (2006) Catching the Interactive Experience: Using the Repertory Grid Technique for Qualitative and Quantitative Insight into User Experience, Proceedings of Engage: Interaction, Art, and Audience Experience, November 26-28, 2006, University of Technology, Sydney.
Fallman, D., Fjellstrom, O. & Lindbergh, K. (2006) AudioIndex: Library Access for the Visually Challenged Using an RFID-based Point and Listen Interface, Demo paper, Proceedings ofUbiComp 2006, The Eight International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, September 17-21, Orange County, CA: ACM Press.
Fallman, D., Kruzeniski, M., & Andersson, M. (2005) Designing for a Collaborative Industrial Environment: The Case of the ABB Powerwall, Proceedings of DUX 2005, Conference on Designing for User Experience, San Francisco, CA, November 3-5: ACM Press.
Fallman, D. & Yttergren, B. (2005) Meeting in Quiet: Choosing Suitable Notification Modalities for Mobile Phones, Proceedings of DUX 2005, Conference on Designing for User Experience, San Francisco, CA, November 3-5: ACM Press.
Fallman, D. (2005) Why Research-oriented Design Isn't Design-oriented Research, Proceedings of Nordes: Nordic Design Research Conference, May 29-31, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Fallman, D. (2005) From Freedom to Involvement: On the Rhetoric of Mobility in HCI Research, Proceedings of HICSS-38, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 3-5, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, Hawaii: IEEE.
Fallman, D., Lund, A., & Wiberg, M. (2004) Inside-Out Interaction: An Interaction Technique for Dealing with Large Interface Surfaces such as Web Pages on Small Screen Displays, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2004, the 31st International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, August 8-12, Los Angeles, CA: ACM Press.
Fallman, D., Lund, A., & Wiberg, M. (2004) ScrollPad: Tangible Scrolling With Mobile Devices, Proceedings of HICSS'37, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 5-8, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, Hawaii, IEEE.
Fallman, D. (2003) Enabling Physical Collaboration in Industrial Settings by Designing for Embodied Interaction, Proceedings of the Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 17-20), New York, NY: ACM Press, p. 41--51.
Waterworth, J. A. & Fallman, D. (2003) The Reality Helmet: Transforming the Experience of Being-in-the-World, Proceedings of HCI 2003: Designing for Society (Bath, UK, September 8-12), British HCI Group, Vol. 2, p. 1--4.
Fallman, D., Jalkanen, K., Lorstad, H., Waterworth, J., & Westling, J. (2003) The Reality Helmet: A Wearable Interactive Experience, Proceedings of Siggraph 2003, Sketches & Applications (San Diego, CA, July 27-31), New York, NY: ACM Press.
Fallman, D. (2003) Design-oriented Human-Computer Interaction, Proceedings of CHI2003, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI Letters, Vol. 5, Issue No. 1 (Fort Lauderdale, Florida, April 5-10), New York, NY: ACM Press, pp. 225--232.
Fallman, D. (2003) Mediated Reality Through Glasses or Binoculars? Exploring Use Models of Wearable Computing in the Context of Aircraft Maintenance, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 15, No. 2, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., p. 267--284.
Fallman, D. (2002) An Interface with Weight: Taking Interaction by Tilt beyond Disembodied Metaphors, In Paterno, F. (Ed.), Mobile Human-Computer Interaction, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (Pisa, Italy, September 18-20), LNCS 2411, Springer-Verlag, p. 291--295.
Fallman, D. & Gronlund, A. (2002) Rigor and Relevance Remodeled, Proceedings of Information Systems Research in Scandinavia, IRIS25 (Bautahoj, Denmark, August 10-13)
Fallman, D. (2002) Wear, Point, and Tilt: Designing Support for Mobile Service and Maintenance in Industrial Settings, Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems, DIS2002 (London, UK, June 25-28), New York, NY: ACM Press, p. 239--302.
Fallman, D. (2002) The Penguin: Using the Web as a Database for Descriptive and Dynamic Grammar and Spell Checking, Proceedings of CHI 2002, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Extended Abstracts (Minneapolis, MN, April 20-25), New York, NY: ACM Press.
Stott, M., Regan, A., Fallman, D. (2002) Design Brief, Special Section on Interface Design, interactions, march + april, volume IX.2, New York, NY: ACM Press.
Fallman, D., Andersson, N., Johansson, L. (2001) Come Together, Right Now, Over Me: Conceptual and Tangible Design of Pleasurable Dupliances for Children, Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Human Factors Design, CAHD 2001 (The Oriental, Singapore, June 26-29), London, UK: Asean Academic Press.
Fallman, D. (2001) The BubbleFish: Digital Documents Available On Hand, Proceedings of INTERACT'01, Eight IFIP TC.13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Waseda University Conference Centre, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, July 9-13), Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE.
Fallman, D. (2001) 'Where's the Interface?' Enhanced Use Models for Mobile Interaction (Doctoral Consortium Paper), Proceedings of INTERACT'01, Eight IFIP TC.13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Waseda University Conference Centre, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, July 9-13), Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE.
Andersson, N., Fallman, D. & Johansson, L. (2001) Dupliances: Physical and Virtual Activity Encompassed, Proceedings of CHI 2001, Human Factors in Computing Systems, Extended Abstracts, New York, NY: ACM Press.
Fallman, D., and Holmstrom, H. (2000) IT Support for Flight Technicians, An Exploratory Study, in Svensson, L., Snis, U., Sorensen, C., Fagerlind, H., Lindroth, T., Magnusson, M. and Vastlund, C. (eds.): Proceedings of IRIS 23, Laboratorium for Interaction Technology, University of Trollhattan-Uddevalla, Sweden.
Fallman, D. (1999) Embodied Systems: Introducing General-purpose Wearable Computers, Proceedings of the 22nd Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, IRIS22: Enterprise Architectures for Virtual Organizations (Keuruu, Finland, August 7-10).
Fallman, D., Backman, A., Holmlund, K. (1999) VR in Education: An Introduction to Multisensory Constructivist Learning Environments, Conference on University Pedagogy (Umea University, Umea, Sweden, February 18-19).
Peer Reviewed Workshop Submissions & Position Papers
Yttergren, B. & Fallman, D. (2012) Typing with Gaze: An Interaction Design Perspective, Presented at CHI 2012 Workshop on Designing and Evaluating Text Entry Methods, CHI 2012, Austin, TX, May 5-10.
Fallman, D. (2009) Sustainability and the Good Life, Workshop Paper, CHI 2009, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Workshop on Defining the Role of HCI in the Challenges of Sustainability), Boston, MA, USA, April 4-9.
Fallman, D. (2007) The Pragmatics of Design Studio Culture: Our Story, Workshop paper, CHI 2007, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 28 April - 3 May, San Jose, CA, USA.
Fallman, D. (2006) xProbes at Work: Using In-situ Experience Prototyping as Probes in Projecting and Discussing Possible Futures, Workshop paper, Workshop on the Object of Interaction, OzCHI 2006, Nov 20-24, Sydney, Australia.
Nakakoji, K., Tanaka, A., & Fallman, D. (2006) "Sketching" nurturing creativity: commonalities in art, design, engineering and research, Workshop organized at CHI 2006, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 22-27, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Fallman, D. (2006) Integrating User Experience into the Design Process with the Repertory Grid Technique: Some Preliminary Notes, Workshop paper, WP9 Workshop on Innovative Approaches for Evaluating Affective Systems, Stockholm, Sweden, Jan 9-11.
Fallman, D. & Waterworth, J. A. (2005) Dealing with User Experience and Affective Evaluation in HCI Design: A Repertory Grid Approach, Workshop Paper, CHI 2005, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 2-7, Portland, Oregon.
Fallman, D. (2004) Design oriented-research versus Research-oriented Design, Workshop Paper, CHI 2004 Workshop on Design and HCI, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,CHI 2004, April 24-29, Vienna, Austria.
Books & Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
Fallman, D. (2007) Designforskningens tre fält [in Swedish, Eng: "The Three Domains of Design Research"], in Ilstedt Hjelm, S. (Ed.) Under Ytan - Om Designforskning, Raster Forlag, Sweden.
Fallman, D. (2003) In Romance with the Materials of Mobile Interaction: A Phenomenological Approach to the Design of Mobile Information Technology, Doctoral Thesis, ISSN 1401-4572, RR.03-04, ISBN 91-7305-578-6, Umea University, Sweden: Larsson & Co:s Tryckeri.
Other Published Material
Fallman, D. (2001) Towards Embodied Mobile Support of Industrial Service and Maintenance: A Report of the Activities in the First Part of the Project, Internal Report, Umea Center for Interaction Technology (UCIT), Umea University Institute of Design, S-901 87, Umea, Sweden.
Fallman, D. (2000) Virtual Reality in Education: On-Line Survey, Department of Informatics, Umea University, Sweden (Website:
Fallman, D., Holmstrom, H. (1999) IT Support for Flight Technicians, An Exploratory Study, Working Paper WP-99.03, Department of Informatics, Umea University, Sweden.
Henfridsson, O., Fallman, D., Holmstrom, H. (1999) Flygunderhall under forandring: Tva forslag till studier av IT-stod for flygtekniker [in Swedish], Working Paper WP-99.02, Institutionen for informatik, Umea universitet, Sweden.
Unpublished Manuscripts
Fallman, D. (2002) The BubbleFish: Bringing Digital Document Management into the Physical World, Department of Informatics, Umea University, SE-90187, Sweden.
Fallman, D. (2000) Towards a Richer Model of Rigor and Relevance: Applying Rigor and Relevance on Rigor and Relevance in IS Research, Department of Informatics, Umea University, SE-90187, Sweden.