Leadership in design, user experience, innovation, and digital strategy
Hi there! 👋🏼 I specialize in building, leading, and coaching multidisciplinary, high-performing creative teams all the way from coming up with a new idea, shaping that idea into a product or service, and building and shipping it.
I’m Associate Partner, Innovation at Bain & Company, based in Sydney, Australia.
In all my work, I passionately champion the building of human-technology experiences that are both beautiful, elegant, and usable. I employ human-centered interaction design strategies, practices, and skills to create new forms of engaging and humane interactions between humans, technologies, and environments.
Previously, I served as Experience Design Director at McKinsey & Company in New York City, helping to establish and lead digital experience design as a global capability within Digital McKinsey. Before that, I was at Fjord (2015-2016), Interactive Institute (2008-2014), and Umeå Institute of Design (1999-2008).
I've also had a career-long affiliation with the Department of Informatics at Umeå University (1998 to 2016), where I served as a Full Professor of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). With my academic hat on, I've authored 80+ academic papers published in leading international journals and conferences—some fairly well known, cited, and frequently used in teaching internationally: e.g. 1, 2, 3, and 4.
I've given 50+ invited keynotes, seminars, and talks for a wide variety of audiences on a surprisingly number of topics. Contact me about speaking engagements.
During the night shift, I’m an accomplished guitar hero (well...)
Reach me at dfallman@gmail.com and dfallman on Twitter.